Join Us

Join Us

Get ready for an exciting adventure with Cub Scout Pack 0735! We are a welcoming and inclusive group that invites boys and girls in elementary school to join our ranks. As Cub Scouts, your child will have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors, learn valuable life skills, and engage in fun activities that promote teamwork, character development, and personal growth. Whether they’re earning badges, going on hikes, or participating in community service projects, our scouts are encouraged to dream big, be prepared, and scout on! So, what are you waiting for? Join Cub Scout Pack 0735 and let the adventure begin!


We’d love for you to join our unit!  Please visit our Contact Page to coordinate with our committee chair or recruitment chair!

Here are a few things you should know as you prepare to join us!

  • Signing Up.  This link will take you to through the online sign up process.
  • Adult Training.  All adults must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) 
  • California AB506 mandates training as well for participating adults
  • Uniform Information.  The uniform is an important part of Scouting for youth and adults.
  • Visit our Council’s New Families page for assistance


  • As part of your registration with Scouting, there will be fees for both the National and local Council.  Here is a link to information on the national fee in 2022 for the 2023 year.  Article.  Reach out to our leadership for a clear and current accounting.  * Fees are prorated during the year.
  •  Our unit also collects a fee, based on budgets and the amount of money we may have raised as a unit via fundraising efforts.
  • Scouts have the ability to earn money through Camp Card and Popcorn sales to offset, or fully cover family fees.  Scouts have been known to raise enough money to cover outings, gear and summer camps.